January 14, 2012

Next Milestone

Mallory has now reached her next milestone with her chest being closed.  After having her chest open and heart exposed for three days, it is now zipped up and she is part of the zipper club!!!  We had to zip her Bummer Bear up also!!  We are so proud of her as she has fought so hard and her body has done so well with all of the changes that she has went through!!  We have to contribute all of this to the prayers and thoughts that she has received.  The nurse also said that we might be able to hold her again on Monday!!  This will be another great day for us to be able to hold her and comfort her and us!



  1. What a brave and beautiful little girl you have!!! I am so glad that her first surgery went well. Your family will be in my prayers daily. Rest assured that the Lord knows Mallory and your family and is aware of your needs. Place your hands in His as you take this journey together. He loves you as do so many people back home! I look forward to meeting your little grinch soon. Sandy Plymale

  2. What a Great little girl you have! What a trooper. Hope hopes and prayers are with you and Mallory..
